Online Prayer Space
Feel free to use the prompts on this page for prayer and quiet reflection.

Prayer Prompts
Pray through the themes of Sam's talks

Missionary Prayer Points
Paris, France
Pray for Emma Payne as she begins language school. Pray for a smooth transition into life in France, for friendships at language school, and for her to continue to trust Jesus amid all the changes. Pray for the growth of the church in Nantes.
Madrid, Spain
Pray with Lauren Raiter as she rests from language classes over the holidays. Give thanks for the great opportunity to experience the Spanish traditions and culture at this time. Pray for MOCLAM.
Middle East
Thank God with J & D for Christmas celebrations, and for a short break over Christmas with family.
Pray with L for a relaxing and refreshing break. Pray for the national and international colleagues L works and ministers with.
Give thanks with L for the joy of gospel partnership. Pray that what she learns while on study leave will be good preparation for her return to location.
South Asia
Pray for S & E and their children to develop their reading, hearing and speaking in the local language this new year.
Pray with M & K as T begins attending a local school for the first time (for 90 minutes a day). Pray that he can make friends and understand his teachers. Pray also for S as he begins Class 2 this year. Pray for wisdom as M & K parent the boys in this context.
Darwin, Northern Territory
Pray with Derek & Rosemary Snibson for all the Northern Territory Indigenous brothers and sisters (Marlene, Sonia, Craig and Edwin) involved in the VIC SUTS Conference, that there will be growth in understanding, fruitfulness, and prayerfulness for those who attend.
Pray with Geoff & Hannah Harper that God would be glorified through Hannah’s translation training courses at Nungalinya College.
Pray with Simon & Claire Koefoed for continued trust and dependence on Jesus.
Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory
Pray for Sam & Bec Gorfine and Hudson as they prepare to leave for location at the end of January–for God's comfort, peace and safety.
Numbulwar, Northern Territory
Pray with Josh & Steph Mackenzie on home assignment for their children as they settle into a new school for the first half of 2025.
Watamu, Kenya
Pray with Anna Radkovic and the A Rocha Kenya team as they gear up for a new year of making Jesus known by caring for his creation.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Cambodia, Pray with Tim & Olivia Mulherin for a restful and uplifting Home Assignment as they reconnect with family, friends, supporters and churches.
Tokyo, Japan
Pray with Matt & Bex Ooi as they prepare to gather with their SEND Japan co-workers for the annual Day of Prayer to intercede for global mission, ministry in Japan, and organisational concerns.
South East Asia
Pray with I for preparation and involvement in CMS VIC SUTS Conference. Pray for guidance re how and where to serve in 2025.
Pray with J & D for their son Simeon as he starts his final semester of school. Ask God for clarity for the next steps for him.
Thank God with R for the new people who came to the Christmas services. Pray that they will choose to make All Saints their spiritual home.
Dili, Timor-Leste
Pray with Chris & Grace Adams for good family time during school holidays.
Praise God with Christopher & Julie Dean for a time of refreshment with family over Christmas, after being away for the past three years. Praise God for the teaching, learning, and gospel encouragement at the VIC SUTS Conference.